About Us

Welcome to The Gan! We are a child-centered Jewish preschool located in the heart of Northeast Philadelphia. The early childhood years are both magical and crucial. Every experience for a young child has a long-lasting impact and shapes their view of the world around them. Giving your child an enriching experience at a quality early childhood program sets the tone for success, providing the foundation for future excellence.

Our environment was designed with children in mind. We have created beautiful spaces for children to explore, collaborate with peers, and connect with caring loving educators. We nurture their curiosity and foster a lifelong love of learning. Our immersive education fosters social, emotional, cognitive, physical and spiritual development. We aim to imbue our students with a deep sense of values, respect, and responsibilities. Children are innately curious about the world around them, using their senses to experience and discover the world around them. Our environment fosters each child’s sense of self-worth and innate creativity while providing the tools for students to be proud Jews and shining lights on the world around them.

We provide programming for children ages 0-6 (through Kindergarten). We offer a wide range of enriching programs before and after the school day.

Our Philosophy

The Gan applies Montessori teaching methodology to Jewish education, creating a vibrant, engaging, empowering educational experience for each of our students. Our philosophy is based on the holy words of wisdom from Mishlei “חנוך לנער על פי דרכו גם כי יזקין לא יסור ”ממנה, “Educate a youth according to his own way, so that even when he grows old, he will not stray from it.” (Mishlei 22:6) During these formative years, each child’s innate love of learning is nurtured through the development of their unique potential. We cultivate our student’s sense of self-discipline and respect for others and the environment, laying the foundation for a life filled with Torah and Mitzvos. Our classrooms and curriculums are designed to deepen students’ sense of curiosity, independence, and wonder. In these formative years, we help each child strengthen and develop a positive sense of self, encouraging each child to appreciate their unique strengths and values.

Statement of Purpose

The Gan is dedicated to educating the “whole child”, including fostering growth in religious, social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development.

Our students appreciate, value and create peace and harmony, bringing that serenity to the classroom, their peers, family members, communities, and the world around them.

We cultivate an environment of respect, with students learning to honor their classmates, parents, teachers and above all else, Hashem.

We create a sense of community within the classroom, inspiring our students with a sense of responsibility towards a greater whole. Each child is empowered to make choices within their educational routine, providing them with the opportunity to learn through choice and understand the consequences of their behavior. This empowers children with a sense of responsibility for their actions. Our role models for our students are righteous men and women who exemplify these principles of responsibility, respect, community, and peace.

We believe that these principles will best equip our students to lead a productive, meaningful and happy life.

Our Name

Gan, the Hebrew word for garden, denotes a place for leisure and pleasure. Chassidic philosophy describes this world as G-d’s garden, and humans as the gardeners, creating beauty and harmony in this world. We aim to empower each one of our students to view themselves as gardeners of our world, toiling and tilling the soil to bring out the positive potential in the world around them. The founder of Chassidism, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, was famous for his love and appreciation of each individual. Before his greatness was revealed, young Rabbi Israel worked as an assistant teacher for the very young children beginning Cheder. He would pick up each child from home, embracing them and taking them by the hand as they walked to school. He would sing songs and share stories, ensuring that their education began with love, joy, song and inspiration. Inspired by the image of the Baal Shem Tov, at The Gan, learning is done with love and joy.

Our Facilities

The Gan is located in the education wing of the Lubavitch Center. Each classroom is spacious, airy, and designed to pique children’s creativity and imagination. All equipment is safe and age-appropriate, with materials at the eye level of the children. Classroom set-ups are designed to foster the development and interests of the children.

Gan Chabad is an Equal Opportunity Care Provider.